Breastfeeding. Just the word can stir up strong emotions. Fear, joy, sadness, the list goes on... The actual task can be even more daunting but it doesn't have to be.
Pregnant with our second child I have come to the realization that pregnant moms get so much free stuff without even asking for it, it’s insane! Things start coming in the mail, you get free baby items in the bottom of your shopping bag, its like everyone knows you are pregnant before it has even really sunk in with you yet. Baby commercials will start popping out at you and your Facebook ads draw you into buying Christmas pajamas for your whole family...true story, we are set with matching Christmas pajamas this year. Yikes.
President Reagan said the above in October 1988 when he declared October as National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. This year we wanted to find away to honor the precious lives of those we have celebrated and grieved. Moreover, we wanted to find away to commemorate these lives for all 12 months of the year rather than just the month of October. That said, we are introducing the Forever Loved Never Forgotten Memory Wall. This page will contain the names and dates of the lives lost too soon. If you'd like to add your child, we'd be honored to remember him or her with you. Simply email us at [email protected] and include the baby's name and date. For example, to honor a child lost through miscarriage, you'd email Baby Jones and indicate which month. 
    The list of positive outcomes associated with breastfeeding grow every day. For the child, a few advantages are that it reduces the rate of childhood obesity, lessens the chance of diabetes later of life, and reduces the chance...
I went into the final days of my 42 week pregnancy armed with hopes and plans of what my experience as a new mom would be like. I arrived at the hospital on my induction date with a nervous smile and the naive expectations only first-time moms possess. The construction of my carefully laid out birth plan took hours of classes and research to complete and it likely wound up covered in coffee rings as a coaster at the nurses’ station.
Congrats, you’re pregnant!

Congrats, you’re pregnant!

Today, 5 months pregnant and counting, I am beginning to get excited about the upcoming arrival of our little squish. I'm looking for the positives, enjoying the moments I have right now with my son while he is my only son, and dreaming of how awesome of a big brother he is going to be.
Bloom: An Evening for Green Bay Area Moms and Moms-To-Be is happening May 16, 2019 from 6-8pm at the National Railroad Museum, Lenfestey Center!  Check-in starts at 5:30!!  The event is sponsored by Children's Hospital of Wisconsin and Wyss...
Some women LOVE being pregnant.  I am not one of those.  I actually enjoyed delivering my babies (literally pushing them out of me) more than carrying them.  I’ve been fortunate enough to experience both twin and singleton pregnancies.  I...
In September, my husband and I were blessed with our fifth baby! It seems surreal. What most people don’t know, is that our precious boy is really our 9th child.  October is Miscarriage and Infant Loss Awareness month and the ache hits close to home as I hold my newborn.  I haven’t forgotten, nor will I ever forget, the babes that I did not get to hold this side of heaven.
Reasons Dads Hire a Doula Most people who have not attended a birth only have the reference of what they have seen on TV or have heard from friends. Pan out to the scene and there is a clueless dad,...

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Ultimate Guide to Mother’s Day | Brunch, Gifts, Events

Mother's Day is a celebration of Motherhood!  We are here to help you make it the best day possible!  In our Ultimate Mother's Day...