Meet Your Green Bay Area Mom Team
Amanda is a mother of two kids, two dogs, and two cats. She lives in Pulaski and is the Co-Owner of the Green Bay Area Mom. She has a Masters Degree in Educational Psychology from the University of Minnesota and a Bachelors Degree in Psychology from UWGB. She is originally from the Milwaukee area and her husband is from Green Bay. She fell in love with the Green Bay area while attending college and loves living here! Her hobbies include fishing, boating, and kayaking. What I love most about the Green Bay Area: The community! It's a small-town feel, with big-city amenities!Jennifer, Co-Owner of Green Bay Area Mom, is extremely passionate about bringing local resources to the Green Bay and Appleton area. She resides in Suamico with her husband, Brett, and 4 kids. She is active in her church and homeschool community and serves all those she is in contact with. She loves to host, play games and sports, read, travel, and just hang out with friends. She is always up for a new adventure.Hailing from a small town North of Green Bay, Aly met her husband just after high school graduation, and they married four years later. One Army deployment, a house purchase, several years, and a pregnancy later, they made the move to Green Bay. Finding they fit in with the small city, family-friendly lifestyle, they made Green Bay home. After a few years of working in the health insurance field, baby #2 made an appearance turning Aly into a full-time Stay at Home Mom. Aly is passionate about books, buying yarn (and starting projects), playing with her boys, Veterans' mental health, and Hallmark movies. Aly is the Playdate Coordinator for Green Bay Area Mom!! She loves setting up and coordinating times for you to meet other moms and have your kids PLAY!Cathie is a happily-married mom of 2 girls. She’s originally from the Madison area but has lived in the area for 5 years. Cathie loves reading, photography, and binge-streaming TV shows with her husband in her spare time. Cathie is part of Green Bay Area Mom's Executive Team as our Special Projects Manager! She does a lot of behind-the-scenes work to help make GBAM amazing! She also runs our Facebook Community group!Christine is a wife to her amazing husband of 13 years and a homeschooling mama to her three kids. She is a recent transplant to the area from Illinois, where she was born and raised in the Southwest Suburbs of Chicago. But she has quickly fallen in love with the area, and it feels more and more like home every day. Christine considers herself a bondservant to her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - a servant who is set free but chooses to serve Him anyway. She has a heart to bring out the gold in others and help others walk in true freedom and victory through Christ. She also loves reading, writing, movie nights with her family, and pretending to do chores so she can listen Audible. Christine is Green Bay Area Mom's Sales Director! She loves connecting with our local businesses to help meet their needs and the needs of our community!Karina is a first-time mom to a little boy. She was born and raised in the Dominican Republic and lived there her entire childhood and the majority of her teenage years. She has planted roots in Green Bay, Wisconsin with her fiancee, son, dog (Pretzel), and cat (Jazzy), but keeps her Caribbean roots alive! She graduated with both a bachelor's and master's in Social Work from UWGB; she is a Nephrology social worker. In her free time, you’ll find her sewing, dancing, or exploring nature! She’s the oldest of her siblings but proclaims she is “one with the youth.” She loves anything social media related and knows one too many TikTok dances by heart! Karina is Green Bay Area Mom's Social Media Manager!! She's creating content to inform and humor you regarding all this Green Bay & Appleton and motherhood!! Karina es mamá primeriza de un niño pequeño. Nació y se crió en la República Dominicana y vivió allí toda su infancia y la mayor parte de su adolescencia. Ella ha plantado raíces en Green Bay, Wisconsin con su prometido, hijo, perro (Pretzel) y gato (Jazzy) ¡pero mantiene vivas sus raíces caribeñas! Se graduó con una licenciatura y una maestría en Trabajo Social de la UWGB; es trabajadora social de Nefrología. En su tiempo libre la encontrarás cosiendo, bailando o explorando la naturaleza! Es la mayor de sus hermanos, pero proclama que es "una con la juventud". Le encanta todo lo relacionado con las redes sociales y sabe demasiados bailes de TikTok de memoria!
Nichole is a thirty-something wife and mother currently living in Green Bay, Wisconsin. She was, however, born and raised in Texas and lived there until her early 20s. Nichole was a Combat Medic in the US Army and met a boy in her Advanced Training. They were inseparable from the day they met and she moved to the Midwest for love. Their story is a crazy one but it’s theirs and simply because of that, it’s obvs her favorite! Nichole considers herself a Jack of Many Trades, yet Master of None. She works full-time in corporate marketing and has a photography business. She loves to take pretty pictures <a href="https://www.facebook.com/squidphotographygb"> (Squid Photography) </a> and share love through a warm meal. Her schedule is always full and it makes her a little crazy sometimes but she covets all the relationships that have arisen from the chaos. Nichole’s biggest and greatest accomplishment was receiving the title of “Mother”. She and her husband of 18 years, Jeremy, were triply blessed with handsome boys! Peyton John Michael, their oldest is 17, a high school Senior gulp, and probably smarter than her! Middle son, Piercen Rush is 13, in 7th grade and has the kindest heart! Their youngest Sir Pennington Matthews is 11 and in 6th grade. She claims her house is always a mess, they are always coming or going, and she and her husband barely talk about anything in the “Adult” category but she absolutely LOVES her life! And can’t wait to share it with you!Nichole GarciaContributor
Amanda was born and raised in Green Bay and went to college at UW-Oshkosh, where she met her husband. She graduated from UWO with a degree in psychology and business administration. She also graduated from Silver Lake College with a master's degree in organizational behavior and management. Amanda enjoys spending time outside; running, walking, hiking, skiing, and biking are some of her favorite activities. Amanda loves exploring Wisconsin's state parks as well as national parks. Amanda and her husband are excited to pass on their love for outdoor activities to their two children, and they try to incorporate those activities into their many adventures across the state and country.Amanda GrovogelContributor
Hello, I'm Lauren! I grew up in Appleton but now live in Allouez with my two boys, ages 6 and 11. I am the Outreach & Communications Specialist for a nonprofit in downtown Green Bay. In my free time, I love to read, cook, play tennis, and spend time with friends. Some of our favorite things to do as a family are play board games and visit petting zoos!Lauren WatersContributor
Sacia is a mom to two amazing children, one girl and one boy. She is married to her best friend, Ted. They have been married for 16 years this year, but have known each other for a few more. After living in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area for 18 years, Sacia and her family moved to the Fox Cities area. Both she and her husband are from WI, but both attended the University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities. It was the best decision they have ever made. Sacia's family considers themselves to be a little nerdy. They all love anything Marvel or Harry Potter and of course, who can forget Pokémon and Disney. Even though they have only lived here a short time, they absolutely love the area and are so excited that the Packers are just a hop, skip, and a jump from their house. Even though Sacia may have lived in Minnesota for 18 years, she claims her blood has always been Green and Gold!Sacia WilliamsContributor
Wife of Steve, mom of 7 ages 11-26 (bio, bonus, and adopted), former high school math and science teacher turned SAHM who now oversees preschoolers and plans events at her local church. When not working or momming, she can be found meal-prepping, reading a self-help book, having coffee with a friend, or volunteering with her 2 sons’ scout troop! Her passion is helping moms realize all the “pros” of the different ages while not focusing on the “cons” that can so easily make being a mom feel like a chore. Born & “reared” in NC, she’s lived in Green Bay for over 8 years….and still asks, “what is a ‘bubbler’?”Ashley Damp
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