With the rise of the ‘Meatless Monday’ trend, you may be wondering how on Earth people get their children (or spouse) to try plant-based meals. As a vegan mom, I have been experimenting for a long time with my...
Did you know that varicose veins affect almost twice as many women as men and are more common in older women?According to the office of Women’s Health, spider veins may affect more than half of the women in the...
Football is a huge part of Green Bay's culture. Whether you enjoy watching, playing, or cheering your kids on, Green Bay Area Mom has got you covered. There are so many options in Green Bay and Appleton for you...
Self-care is essential to our happiness. When we are working out, eating to nourish our bodies, and focusing on our wellness, we feel our best. Establishing new positive habits that support our wellness goals and values can be challenging,...
What started off as a usual adult volleyball tournament ended as an unforgettable tournament for me.
I’ve heard of athletes telling stories of out-of-body experiences when they’ve excelled at an athletic skill during competition, or the feeling of time standing...
*CRASH* “Ow, mom, my arm!” It’s a sound no parent wants to hear. What happened? Are they okay? How serious is it? Do we need to head to the ER? Oh boy - how much is this going to...
In order to keep us students from overthinking our homework, my 10th grade math teacher would use the acronym “K.I.S.S.” for “Keep it simple, stupid.” That may have worked for geometry, but it’s a much harder concept when applied...
I love the start of a new year. I like calendars and goal-setting and retrospectives, and I love the notion of a fresh start, but I do not like new years resolutions - they feel rigid and artificial. A...
A consistent fitness routine is a key component to an overall healthy lifestyle. But workout-related injuries can stop people from sticking with it, especially for women who have a higher risk for common injuries like ankle sprains and stress...
There’s not an emoji for how I am currently feeling, right this second. My family had great fun on Halloween making memories with some amazing family and friends, but as I sit at my computer, looking out at the...