Taking Time for YOU

Taking Time for YOU

We all need a brief “break” from being a mom to help us remember who we are so we can continue to love ourselves and then love our families. While it’s easier to have a break away from home, here are some things I have been trying to add into my life on a regular basis in an attempt to keep my sanity household running smoothly.
What I initially thought was an unreasonable request from my husband turned out to be one of the greatest gifts to me, our marriage, and our children. It was so simple and so profound and I can't believe he needed to say it at all.
Fortunately, our family has used digital safety monitoring for identity theft for a few years.  Last year, we received an email saying that our son's Social Security Number was being used.  We dug into it and someone had opened...
One of my favorite parts of the day is when my kids are in bed. You read that correct! You might even be thinking - yes! Me too! I need some peace and quiet around here. But I don't mean what you are probably thinking! I mean the cuddle and reading time we get to spend as a family while they are in bed before they go to sleep. I love reading books to my kids!
Every year it seems we all aim for the same things… finally lose that baby weight, purge/simplify, be more “present,” stop judging others, and the list goes on! I don’t need a new year to tell me I need to work on those. Those are all part of our never-ending list of #momgoals. This year, I have a few new ideas.

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In + Around Green Bay

Ultimate Guide to Mother’s Day | Brunch, Gifts, Events

Mother's Day is a celebration of Motherhood!  We are here to help you make it the best day possible!  In our Ultimate Mother's Day...