The robins have returned and are once again building a nest on our back deck. I love that our family gets an up-close view as we await the arrival of those beautiful blue eggs, then the not-so-beautiful newly hatched...
As parents, we all know how it feels when our child is upset at the doctor’s office. Our hearts drop when we see the look in their eyes once they realize where they are, or when they ask the...
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and we are thrilled to be partnering with Ink to the People to offer our readers an opportunity to join us and more than a dozen City Moms Blog Sister Sites across the country in raising funds for Look Good Feel Better.  This organization teaches beauty techniques to people with cancer, helping them manage the appearance-related side effects of cancer treatment. The program includes lessons on skin and nail care, cosmetic techniques, and wigs and turbans.  The goal is to help people find some normalcy in a life that has ceased to be normal.

My Journey With Keto

I decided that I was tired of making excuses and needed to make myself a priority this year. The whole “You can’t pour from an empty cup” thing and all. 
3 children holding art wheel collages, satisfaction found in motherhood

Mom Makes Waves

I sat at my dining room table, working at a project. My oldest daughter sat across from me, as one of them almost always does, drawing her LOL Dolls. She breaks the silence of the bonding moment when she...
*CRASH* “Ow, mom, my arm!” It’s a sound no parent wants to hear. What happened? Are they okay? How serious is it? Do we need to head to the ER? Oh boy - how much is this going to...

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In + Around Green Bay

Ultimate Guide to Mother’s Day | Brunch, Gifts, Events

Mother's Day is a celebration of Motherhood!  We are here to help you make it the best day possible!  In our Ultimate Mother's Day...