Our family became complete 6 weeks ago.  Baby #4 signifies the end of a chapter: I am done having kids.  It's bittersweet knowing I will never experience the glory and misery of pregnancy again.  The finality of it all is setting in.  There...
Doulas are amazing and yet most people don't know what they are or what services they offer. A doula can be one of the most amazing people to support you during your birth and pregnancy or during your parenting...
In September, my husband and I were blessed with our fifth baby! It seems surreal. What most people don’t know, is that our precious boy is really our 9th child.  October is Miscarriage and Infant Loss Awareness month and the ache hits close to home as I hold my newborn.  I haven’t forgotten, nor will I ever forget, the babes that I did not get to hold this side of heaven.
No lie and no shame, I am in the best shape of my life after having two children! And not just myself, I see my clients on the daily experience the same changes and results. I encourage you to come take a class and to get up and get moving throughout pregnancy and beyond!
There are so many emotions that come with becoming a mom. It’s a huge life change, after all! For as much joy that it brings, it can also be difficult and overwhelming at times. Adding a child to your...
Becoming a mother is a wonderful, life-changing event. It’s exciting and it can be a lot of fun. But there are a lot of questions that come with caring for baby – this is true whether you’re a first-time...
    The list of positive outcomes associated with breastfeeding grow every day. For the child, a few advantages are that it reduces the rate of childhood obesity, lessens the chance of diabetes later of life, and reduces the chance...
If everyone else was jumping onto a sinking Titanic, would you do it too? My answer is a resounding “yes,” if there’s even a chance of bumping into Jack Dawson. I know, I know. I realize Leonardo DiCaprio’s character...
Some women LOVE being pregnant.  I am not one of those.  I actually enjoyed delivering my babies (literally pushing them out of me) more than carrying them.  I’ve been fortunate enough to experience both twin and singleton pregnancies.  I...
  It’s okay to cry.  It’s okay to be angry, to feel betrayed by your own body.  It’s okay to feel bitter when your friends share miraculous stories about getting pregnant on the first try.  It’s okay to sit quietly...

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In + Around Green Bay

Ultimate Guide to Mother’s Day | Brunch, Gifts, Events

Mother's Day is a celebration of Motherhood!  We are here to help you make it the best day possible!  In our Ultimate Mother's Day...