Green Bay Area Mom, Green Bay and Appleton's locally focused parenting resource, is looking for Moms (or Dads!) to join our team!  We are looking for people to join our Green Bay Area Mom writing team or events team!   Do...
(Green Bay, WI): Green Bay Area Mom is excited to announce that Jennifer Birschbach has transitioned from the Events Coordinator to a Co-Owner.  With this change, we are planning on providing you with more parenting resources and opportunities to...
We are in challenging times. Coronavirus has changed our lives for the long term. I don’t know about you, but a few weeks ago when the shelter-in-place was announced and schools were closed, I was shell shocked.  It was...
  Nearly two and a half years ago This Stage of Life? It's Hard from Austin Moms Blog came across my FB feed. It resonated with me; shook me to the core. After the tears and head nodding at each notion...
a final goodbye

A final goodbye

It is hard to believe that it has been 5 years.  5 years of owning Green Bay Area Mom.  5 years of developing relationships with moms.  5 years of developing relationships with local businesses.  5 years of creating amazing...
It all started with a runny nose that I didn’t think much of because it lasted less than 48 hours. About 24 hours later, my dinner tasted boring. The next night, I could not taste the Thai food that...
We are so excited to share this nonprofit spotlight featuring Lovin' The Skin I'm In!!!   According to a 2014 report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, there is no state worse for African-Americans than Wisconsin. From people already living here,...
Your health is extremely important to us, especially during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This is having a significant impact on everyday life, and prompting a change in everything from our lifestyles, habits, and relationships to our physical...
It has been so rewarding to witness this community of parents come together to listen and support one another. And, every single day I am blown away by the fantastic group of contributors who take something none of us have enough share their stories. Parenting can be overwhelming, but these voices let us know we are not alone. It's ok to struggle, cry, and to find humor in the imperfections of life. 
Then I heard my teen daughter say, “Ugh. Who got shot this time?” It wasn’t a newspaper headline that caught her eye. It was the American flag at half-staff. My husband and I had heard at the resort that former President George H.W. Bush had passed. It hadn’t occurred to me to tell the kids.

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In + Around Green Bay

Ultimate Guide to Mother’s Day | Brunch, Gifts, Events

Mother's Day is a celebration of Motherhood!  We are here to help you make it the best day possible!  In our Ultimate Mother's Day...