April is a big month for an important but difficult topic to discuss: organ donation.
We are just a little over a week away from BLOOM 2018 | An Evening for Green Bay Area Moms. On Thursday, April 19th our goal is to provide Green Bay area moms with a night out that is fun and informational. The night will offer vendor tables, shopping, pampering, appetizers, goody bags for each attendee and some amazing giveaways. We will also dedicate a portion of the evening to a Q&A session with experts from varying fields. We want to briefly introduce you to this year's panel. Be sure to come with questions!
No lie and no shame, I am in the best shape of my life after having two children! And not just myself, I see my clients on the daily experience the same changes and results. I encourage you to come take a class and to get up and get moving throughout pregnancy and beyond!

Orchestrating Observers

Within this generation my girls are a part of, I want to orchestrate observers. I want to teach them awareness. I want them to appreciate everything around them, and I want them to look for the good.
But as I look to my calendar and see that my girls will be in class through the second week of June, I sigh and wonder … what is the ideal calendar for the school year anyway?
It is amazing how much power one term, SAHM, had over me. I had become my own four-letter word.
So, how dare I feel confident giving my son a popsicle every day, even if it is after a dinner that he refused to eat? I make sure to pack these popsicles with as much nutrition as possible, that's how! I have had a lot of fun coming up with healthy popsicle recipes that I feel good feeding him. Every single popsicle I have made has some combination of fruits and vegetables, and then I toss in some extra healthy additions, like chia seeds, ground flax, greek yogurt, or more! The top two favorites in our house were the "Blood Orange Carrot Delights" popsicles (wow - they were so vibrant and delicious!) and also the "Spinach Strawberry Sweet Treats." (My five year old and I have fun coming up with the popsicle names - another benefit of making your own!) 
Green Bay Area Moms Blog will be hosting BLOOM: An Evening for Green Bay Area Moms on Thursday, April 19th from 6-8 pm. Over the course of two hours, our goal is to provide moms, wherever they are in their motherhood journey, access to educational resources, pampering, light snacks, giveaways, swag, and an opportunity to get their questions answered from our panel of experts. Simply put, it will be an evening connecting moms and families with relevant local resources.

My Journey With Keto

I decided that I was tired of making excuses and needed to make myself a priority this year. The whole “You can’t pour from an empty cup” thing and all. 

The Perfect Birth Plan

I am a Doula, a woman who unbiasedly supports women, their partners, and families, during pregnancy, by supporting them emotionally, educationally, mentally, and physically. Support looks different, depending on the mother and partner, but often, I am able to assist them when they write their birth plan. There is comfort in having a plan, knowing what they want, and feeling of control, especially in pregnancy when they feel so out of control.

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In + Around Green Bay

Ultimate Guide to Mother’s Day | Brunch, Gifts, Events

Mother's Day is a celebration of Motherhood!  We are here to help you make it the best day possible!  In our Ultimate Mother's Day...