Caring for people on an individual basis is what St. Gianna’s Clinic strives to achieve. I recently visited the clinic and interviewed Dr. Goldsmith about the clinic and what they are working on. To say I was impressed is an understatement. The clinic, located in De Pere at 1716 Lawrence Drive, is a warm and comfortable building that doesn’t feel like your typical sterile clinic. The staff was super friendly from the moment I stepped into the clinic, and I got a sense of the care they give their patients. St. Gianna’s also offers same-day appointments.
“St. Gianna clinic is what we call a comprehensive primary care clinic, and what that means is basically we take care of everyone from pregnancy until patients in their 90s.” Dr. Goldsmith stated.
St. Gianna’s has many practices such as pediatrics, family medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, an ear, nose, and throat doctor, who comes here a couple of times a month, functional medicine, and a psychiatrist starting on November 14.
“We are really excited about our ability to really treat the whole person, body, mind, and spirit and to be able to provide as much of the care in one place. I know our patients like that they can get everything done here instead of having to go to multiple places. If you and your child/ren need to be seen, we can see each of you at your next visit. Having same day appointments and being able to treat the whole family provides you and your loved ones with great flexibility when it comes to needing medical care.”
Their second to none holistic approach is visible in how they treat all their patients. “We spend time with the patient caring for them, finding out about them, finding out what really is troubling them… We take more time, far more time with our patients than many places because we feel it is very important to be able to establish that relationship with the patient so they have the time to actually share what their real concerns are, and what they need. So by laying that groundwork, we’re able to really care for them and get into areas to teach them about basic things like healthy eating, exercise, diet, sleep, and whatever other foods that may be aggravating certain conditions. Whether it’s migraines or their infertility, there are ties to these different areas, so it’s really taking an in-depth look at what is affecting the body.”
One of their sub-specialties that is very exciting for the Green Bay Area is their work with Women’s Health and infertility which is an approach unlike any other in the Midwest. “It’s a very holistic approach and is extremely effective. We have up to 80% success with becoming pregnant. It’s almost like old-fashioned medicine. Because it’s taking the time to really dig down, figure out what the problem is, and then treat it. We certainly begin with a holistic approach. Eating right, sleeping, exercising, all of those things that we’ve been told all through the years. They really are important, decrease stress, and decrease things that increase inflammation, and then it’s a step-by-step process. If medical treatment needs to be done, then we do that with very specific treatments. For some, they need very specialized surgery. We happen to have a surgeon that is so specialized at the St. Gianna Clinic that she is one of only 30 doctors in the whole country specializing in this surgery, and the closest specialized physician is around 6 or 7 hours away.”
St. Gianna’s Clinic is bringing award winning cutting-edge care to the Green Bay area. Please call today to schedule an appointment at 920-605-3115 or visit their website at
Dr. Robin Goldsmith is a wife, mother of four sons and an Anesthesiologist. After attending the University of Notre Dame for undergraduate studies where she was named a Notre Dame Scholar and UW Wisconsin for medical school, she completed a residency and then fellowship in OB Anesthesia at the University of Iowa. She received the Gertie Marx Society of Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology research award for study of midgestational brain injury in utero in sheep during fellowship and remained on faculty at the Univ of Iowa. She returned to WI for private practice and served as a delegate or alternate delegate for the American Society of Anesthesiology in her specialty for over 15 years. She co-founded the St. Gianna Clinic and the St. Gianna Molla Guild NEW. She served as President of the Guild which was named Outstanding Guild of the Catholic Medical Association (CMA) in 2015. She was one of two State Directors that helped pilot the CMA State Director program which then was solidified and approved as a formal part of the CMA. She concurrently served as CMA Regional Director and a member on multiple CMA committees. She served as an At Large National CMA Board Member, Regional Director, Regional Director Representative Committee Member, State Director of WI along with serving as Co-Chair of the Catholic Clinics Committee in addition to many others. She currently serves on the CMA National Board as one of five Regional Directors as well as Wisconsin’s State Director and board member of St. Gianna Molla Guild along with multiple committees. Dr. Goldsmith also co-founded the St. Gianna Molla Clinic in 2014. St Gianna Clinic was given a formal decree as the first “Catholic Teaching Clinic ” in the country by Bishop David Ricken. The clinic continues to grow and serves as a sustainable, replicable model for the entire country which provides truly excellent, truly faithful medical care for all people while evangelizing to patients and families throughout the diocese and beyond. She is a nationally recognized speaker on a variety of topics featuring faith and medicine and gives talks throughout the country. Dr. Goldsmith has received various awards for her faith-based prolife efforts, including the Catholic Medical Association Distinguished Guardian of Faith Award, the ProLife WI Activist of the Year, Solidarity Health Innovator Award (national), and the Green Bay Diocese Faith At Work Award. She is a Dame in the Order of Malta, a member of Legatus, and serves on various boards to further the faith.