Green Bay Area Mom

Green Bay Area Mom
Green Bay Area Mom is a parenting resource for the Green Bay and Appleton areas. We are passionate about bringing together our communities in a supportive online environment, offering encouragement throughout the parenting journey. Our site aims to develop community, share the amazing things the Green Bay Area has to offer, cultivate friendships, and host events to connect moms and families. Our team of local moms love to share both the amazing and difficult parts of parenting, bring you helpful tips, and feature things to do in our area.
2nd Annual Cookies with Santa v2

2nd Annual Cookies with Santa | Saturday, December 8th

We are thrilled to partnering with the YWCA Greater Green Bay  to bring you our 2nd Annual Cookies with Santa on Saturday, December 8th from 1-3 pm.
Irish Fest

Family Fun at Milwaukee Irish Fest | August 16-19

Looking for some good 'ol family fun? If you answered YES!, you should head down to Milwaukee Irish Fest this year! Held at Henry Maier Festival Park, Milwaukee Irish Fest is the world’s largest celebration of Celtic music and culture.  The fun swings into action on August 16 and runs through August 19.
Splish Splash

Unison Credit Union’s Splish Splash Pool Bash – Add It To Your Summer Bucket...

Long live the dog days of summer. Looking for fun, cool, and CHEAP ways to stay active this summer? Enter Unison Credit Union's Splish Splash Pool Bash! Unison Credit Union is treating those who live in its service footprint of Northeast Wisconsin with three events throughout the month of July at Fox Valley pools. These are definitely a must add to that summer bucket list.
Wisconsin Edvest Wisconsin Savings Plan

{Edvest} Giving the Gift of a College Education this Holiday Season

What's that sound? Oh, banging your head against the wall while thinking of creative and useful holiday gifts for the kids in your life? Yes, I've been there, too. Do you shudder at the thought of receiving more toys that only get played with a handful of times before they get tossed aside? And, let's not forget all of the cardboard that comes with those toys. ALL.OF.THE.CARDBOARD. Last year, it took a solid month before our garage was rid of it.
{Part Seven} Lily’s Journey with Juvenile Arthritis

{Part Seven} Lily’s Journey with Juvenile Arthritis

Anxiety levels spiked to an all-time high. Each injection induced fear, terror, tears and screaming. It was almost more than she could take, and I can't put into words what it did to my sanity as a mother.
{Part Six} Lily’s Journey with Juvenile Arthritis

{Part Six} Lily’s Journey with Juvenile Arthritis

Pain. Tear inducing, not wanting to even play with her friends anymore pain. It started on the night of her school dance. I really just thought she was sore from running around with her friends all evening—doing the hokey pokey and chicken dance and everything else that comes with an elementary school dance. I gave her some ibuprofen and tried not to silently freak out that it was mid-January and she was having leg pain—AGAIN, for the 5th year in a row. If I really think about it, she was having minor pain all month leading up to this point, but there was no swelling. That all changed. 
Select {Part Five} Lily’s Journey with Juvenile Arthritis {Part Five} Lily’s Journey with Juvenile Arthritis

{Part Five} Lily’s Journey with Juvenile Arthritis

Lily was diagnosed at age 4. You’ve read our story through diagnosis. Fast forward over the next few years, and we find Lily in 3rd grade. She has now dealt with having JIA for 4...
{Part Four} Lily’s Journey with Juvenile Arthritis

{Part Four} Lily’s Journey with Juvenile Arthritis

When I left you last, Lily had just began methotrexate, and was having a rough time. Luckily for us, she was one of the fortunate ones that was able to somewhat adapt to the meds. After a while, the sickness with each dose stopped. Saturdays were still days of extreme tiredness post shot, but as long as we administered the shot in the morning, she wouldn’t get physically ill.
Hope Della Skincare

An Escape from the Everyday with Hope Della Skincare

Close your eyes. Imagine you are laying down, breathing in beautiful aromas that put your mind and soul at peace. Then the magic of a hand & arm massage adds to the bliss. Sounds like an escape from the every day, right? This is what you will experience when you have a facial at Hope Della Skincare in Bellevue.  For busy moms the relaxation component probably ranks at the top for reasons to get a facial, but it also has great benefits for your skin. Facials cleanse, exfoliate, and increase blood flow to give you that glow! Before the relaxation kicks into high gear, Hope Dalebroux, owner, first takes stock of your current skin conditions and care regimens, so she can tailor the treatment to fit your needs. 
Select {Part 3} Lily’s Journey with Juvenile Arthritis {Part 3} Lily’s Journey with Juvenile Arthritis

{Part 3} Lily’s Journey with Juvenile Arthritis

Fall 2011. It has now been 6 months since Lily’s first knee injection, and about 8 months since we found her initial swollen knee. We were once again facing Lily going back in for more steroid injections. Her right knee, left knee and the top of her right foot all had fluid sitting on the joints.