Happy Spring! I don’t know about you, but once it’s above 48 degrees consistently, I am craving to be outside as much as I can. Seriously. I have professional rain gear that proves my love for the outdoors, no...
Oshkosh, WI: My husband has been a fan of professional wrestling for his entire life. Yes, like Hulk Hogan or “Stone Cold” Steve Austin - that kind of wrestling. We’ve been together for 18 years this spring, and we have...
If you are looking for something fun to do with your kids in the kitchen this weekend, look no further! We whipped up this easy cookie recipe Friday night on the spur of the moment when we wanted a...
Our kids are 8 and almost-10, and the elder kiddo is getting to that age where her peers are starting to have cell phones and I expect some of her friends will get a cell phone as a gift...
It’s that time of year – many of you may be thinking of purchasing your child(ren) their first or update their current, electronic device. You also may be thinking, or worrying, about internet and electronic device safety for both...
They say, there’s no bad weather as long as you have the right gear. And this is true with kids too...you just have to decide on your own threshold for winter fun. For some of us that's 20 degrees,...